

【機械翻訳】Time Shift Blog "Changing Architecture" 変化するアーキテクチャ










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(出典:ESニュース - 変化するアーキテクチャ)

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Changing Architecture

The transition from the Dark Aeon to the New Aeon has begun. The planet is enduring a deeply significant milestone within the Bifurcation of Time that will greatly impact humanity. This is a macrocosmic planetary event that is Changing Architecture at a fundamental level. The result is mass consciousness Morphogenesis, the permanent change in the instruction set of the planetary grid network that alters how consciousness-energy becomes matter on this plane. These changes in planetary architecture accelerate humanity into an intensified phase of great transition, transformation and Transfiguration of personal consciousness.

The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock is now secured by the Paliadorian and Krystal Star Guardian Host who are restoring the Natural Laws via the Krist-Krystallah coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits those on the Christos Mission and is gradually dissolving and imploding the Artificial intelligence technology that was originally used to invade the planetary Stargate system by the NAA.

Those choosing Negative Polarity and spiritually abusive behaviors while on the earth will continue on the descending spiral to experience those phantom co-creations, while those choosing Positive Polarity and spiritually healthy behaviors will continue to elevate in the natural energy physics that exists within the ascending spiral. In between the ranges of negative and positive polarity within these Reality Bubbles, the Changing Architecture is widening points of divergence between the groups of people that co-exist in a similar fundamental vibration within the assortment of Timelines. When the energetic chasm gets too wide between the interactions of people in any kind of group or relationship, a threshold is reached which can abruptly collapse and redirect timelines into a Void Space. Thus, some people may awaken to feel that suddenly they are estranged from another. Someone or something they were close to may start to feel increasingly distant, as if they are not speaking the same language anymore. This sensation is like suspended animation, when we feel that we are waiting for some information or movement forward into another location, in order to act upon current life choices.

Gender Unification Creates Zero Point

The macrocosm Architecture in the planet, galactic and Universal levels are undergoing a radical shift to prepare for the New Aeon, the next Astrological precession which is highlighting corrections made from the restoration of the Law of Gender that is transmitting from within the Solar Logos body. The rehabilitation of the Solar Logos body, 10D-11D-12D in our Universal system is also the recovery of a Natural Law, that is transmitting the Krist Code into all things from the unmanifest made to manifest, the process in which energy becomes matter. This New Aeon will make evident over time, the inherent spiritual creative power and consciousness freedom that is generated from the unification of the inner and outer Gender Principle into Oneness, which generates the feedback loop of an unlimited supply of zero-point energy. The God Creator circulates eternal love flows into the world through the act of sacred marriage that occurs between the masculine and feminine principle, from the quantum levels and into human beings, extending into and from planetary, stellar and cosmic bodies. This in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and Lightbody. We are talking about alterations at the blueprint level, that store information for how all spectrums of consciousness manifest within the newly corrected architectural patterns of gender principle that activate Zero Point energy potentials.

Leveling the Playing Field

The Collective Consciousness energy fields are transitioning into another instruction set, Changing Architecture, which further changes how each individual manifests their personal reality. The core template of the instruction set in the planetary brain has resumed into tri-wave formats, which allow the planetary brain to actually run zero-point energy into the ascending areas of the network, such as Mother Arc Hub gates. People that attune to heart-based intelligence and align to the Natural Laws, will have more open access to Zero Point energy to build out their manifestations in ways that the energy parasitism of the Negative Ego cannot. What used to gain results in matter during the previous cycle, will cease to work in the same ways, causing confusion and frustration for those who do not realize the game board has shifted into a more level playing field.

What is Architecture?

The concept of Architecture is defined in very limited and conflicting ways in the 3D world, which makes it difficult to describe the vast scope of its deeper meaning in impacting Consciousness, and how it greatly influences the mental framework of beliefs that we have come to think of as the nature of reality. Anything that has manifested into a physical form also has an instruction set in the unmanifested layers, this is a form holding blueprint that stores information for how that consciousness energy will manifest. This is the definition of an energy architecture that is comprised of templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the Blueprint of design for an intention, a concept or Living Thought Crystal.

(Source: ES News - Changing Architecture)

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