

【機械翻訳】Time Shift Blog "Mind Controlled Gene Expression" マインドコントロールによる遺伝子発現






コントロールする側の最終目的は、様々な化学物質、毒素、重金属、ナノテクノロジーに継続的にさらされることで、人間の生体神経の遺伝子発現をマインドコントロールすることでした。これは、主にケムトレイルの世界的な散布によって達成され、西洋の医療システムによって強制されている予防接種による遺伝子組み換えプログラムの注入と協力して行われている。現在のプランデミックは、反人間的なトランスヒューマニズムの目標を設定するための最後の精神的な戦いです。 2020年7月に発行された「人間のDNAの遺伝子組み換え」のニュースレターをご覧ください。マインドコントロールされた遺伝子発現が、生物における意識の奴隷化に直接関係していること、そしてこのプロセスがどのように機能するかを理解するためには、力の世界に存在する電磁気の概念と結婚しなければならない、いくつかの重要な生物学的原理があります。まず、生物学の基本的な概念をおさらいしておきましょう。









人間の意識に影響を与え、操作するために必要なことは、脳が環境からの外部信号にロックし、ニューロンがその信号をミラーリングし始めるFFR(Frequency Following Response)を通じて、複雑な信号を作り出すことです。その信号とは、苦痛を感じさせたり、感情的な痛みを引き起こしたりするように設計された周波数スペクトラムの搬送波です。その結果、脳内の化学物質が変化し、人の意識は混乱した断片的な知覚を伴った低い負の感情の範囲に急落します。大規模な集団に対しては、特定の地域で興奮や攻撃性、不安を引き起こすような放送周波数を送ることができます。そして、コントローラーは、特定の疎外されたグループを意図的に標的にするために、恐怖を煽り、非難し、センセーショナルで被害者的な表現を促進するようなニュースを主流メディアで流すことがあります。現在の主流のニュースの中で、まさにこの心理戦の戦術が起こっているところを見つけられますか?これは、人間が他の人間を敵だと認識することで、暴力、レイプ、敵意、犯罪行為を誘発するための分割統治の心理戦戦略です。電磁波を利用して信号を変調させ、脳にメッセージを送り、化学反応を変化させ、思考様式を挿入し、その人が何らかの有害行為や犯罪行為を行うように仕向けるための行動を誘発することは可能です。






Mind Controlled Gene Expression

The end game for the Controllers has always been Mind Controlled Gene Expression in human Bio-Neurology through ongoing exposures to an assortment of chemicals, toxins, heavy metals and nanotechnology. This was largely achieved through the global spraying of Chemtrails to work in collaboration with the injection of genetic modification programs via Vaccinations being enforced by the western medical system. The current plandemic is the final spiritual battle for setting the stage for their anti-human transhumanist goals. Please see the Genetic Modification of Human DNA newsletter from July 2020. To understand how Mind Controlled Gene Expression is directly related to consciousness enslavement in an organism and how this process works, there are some key biological principles that must be married with the concept of electromagnetism that exists in the world of forces. Let’s begin with reviewing some basic biological concepts.

DNA is a universal language that is the blueprint for all life. DNA is a molecule found in the nucleus of every cell. Current science has identified that DNA is made up of four chemical subunits that are represented by A, T, G and C. Humans have the possibility of building more nucleic acids when they assemble more of their DNA strands. However, let us consider the main four nucleic acids accepted by mainstream science. In DNA the nitrogenous base is made up of these nucleic acids; Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). Metaphysically, each of these nucleic acids is connected to a base elemental substance that exists within the planetary body as Earth, Water, Fire and Air. When we pollute these four elements in the Earth, we pollute the corresponding nucleic acid in our DNA. This helps us to understand why the NAA instigates mass pollution and toxic dumping on the Earth without accountability, because this is another way to directly damage the higher expression of human DNA. The order of these chemical subunits in the DNA strand holds a code of intelligent information for the cell. The Genetic Language uses these four chemical subunits to write the instruction set on how to make the proteins that the organism or body needs to develop, grow and live. Smaller segments of DNA are called genes and each gene holds an instruction set on how to produce a single protein, as well as generate the many messages to instruct the functions of the proteins within the body. Proteins are very important because they build the DNA ladder and they do all the enzymatic work in the cells that are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins regulate all of the metabolic reactions in the cell and serve as the enzymes needed to catalyze the body’s cellular reactions. Everything that can be seen in a physical biology is either made up of proteins or is the result of the functions of those proteins.

One way genetic engineering works is by physically removing a gene from one organism and inserting it into another, giving the organism the potential ability to express the trait encoded by that inserted gene. The gene with desired traits must be coated and copied from thousands of genes that had been collected. This is called Gene Cloning. Repetitive gene cloning contributes to Genetic Mutations that are inherited in the organism's offspring, that can eventually destroy the original DNA imprint. The new gene clone is called a Transgene and is delivered into the cells of the recipient organism to generate some level of genetic transformation. The most common way to transform the transgene is to insert it into a bacteria or virus and then deliver it into the cells of the organism that is being engineered. Another method shoots microscopic gold particles coated with copies of the transgene into the cells of the recipient organism. Now they have developed the next generation of AI hybrid genetic mutations with the introduction of mRNA nanotech programming using a hydro-gel delivery mechanism which hijacks the cell by inserting an foreign operating system that rearranges the instruction sets for making proteins, which is vital for human DNA cell to cell communication and DNA assembly.

Genetic engineers using this method have little control over where the transgene inserts itself into the genome, and it may take many attempts to achieve a few viable transgenic organisms ready for breeding. Once transgenic organisms are created traditional breeding is used to improve the characteristics of the final product or genetically engineered creation. Genetic engineering is a way to add new traits to the gene pool of an organism, using anything in nature from a plant or animal to a human being. As many of us realize, the exact same process has occurred with the genetic engineering used for Alien Hybridization methods in certain bloodlines of humanity, in order to achieve certain results that either enhance traits or degrade traits of the organic human body. The more genetic engineering the human body has endured, to be spliced with multiple other species such as black hole entities, the more the body loses its ability to activate original DNA and resume its organic function.

Mind Wars

Since World War II, there has been a major revolution in regard to militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with negative aliens, who introduced to them an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior can be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. Certain electromagnetic exposures are invisible and can change the way the brain processes information while influencing specific conditions in the mind and body, many times without the person’s awareness. The methods used to approach warfare against enemies changed rapidly, toward total control over humanities biological processes through combinations of exposures to a spectrum of electromagnetic fields. Through targeting the human Brain and Bio-Neurology, the mind, body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions, transmit suggestions, interfere with long and short term memory, insert images, run audio and sensory experiences, and take control over autonomic and voluntary functions of the body. The goal is to confuse or destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in a state of balance and equilibrium, while shutting down the Genetic Switches that are responsible for DNA signaling in the human body.

The earliest stages of development in these electromagnetic technologies were used to perform research and experiments on soldiers to increase their performance in battle, while using the same methods to destroy their enemies. The Department of Defense used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments for intentional exposure to dangerous and lethal substances. Thus, a new class of militarized weapons based on the electromagnetic field was added to the military complex. In the mid 1950’s there was a battle between these intelligence factions for total control over these hidden technologies, and for the destructive use of waging a silent mind war against the global population in order to achieve world domination and slavery. This was backed by the Negative Aliens to split these warmongering cabal factions into smaller compartments, which they could better control through divide and conquer Psychological Warfare. This infiltration by the NAA led to the targeting of civilian populations by the human military, which began to use deliberate deception and mind control weapons in order to get the effects that the intelligence operations desired, as in Brainwashing.

The use of light and sound to stimulate Brain Waves can be used to modify and change a person’s brain activity, thought processes and behavior in a relatively short period of time. What is little understood is that this can also be used to alter the natural function of DNA signaling in the human body, turning on and off Genetic Switches in the human body. The strength it takes to gain control over our mental function is similar to the strength required to build the muscles in our bodies. Obviously these techniques to gain control over the mind can be used in productive and healthy ways to help heal the brain wave patterns, or they can be used in destructive and harmful ways that fracture the mind and soul. In Mind Control, he who controls the mind also controls the soul, the source of electromagnetic energy and consciousness of that person. As a result, the world governments engaged in extensive programs of unethical human experimentation in order to develop technological warfare methods for controlling human behavior and disrupting the thought patterns of humanity for many covert purposes. By overriding the natural rhythm of the brain patterns and brain waves, chemical reactions are triggered which alter the mental and emotional state of the population. This use is a form of Pavlovian Classical Conditioning in order to shape learned behavior so that people more easily accept mind control broadcasts and social engineering methods, like Learned Helplessness and All or Nothing Thinking.

External ELF Signals Brain Response

To impact and manipulate human consciousness all that is required is to create a complex signal, through a Frequency Following Response (FFR), when the brain locks onto an external signal coming from the environment and the Neurons begin to mirror that signal. The signal can be a carrier wave in a Spectrum of Frequency that is designed to create feelings of distress or trigger emotional pain. As a result the brain chemistry alters and changes, generally plummeting the person’s consciousness into a range of lower negative emotions with confused and fragmented perceptions. Large populations can be sent broadcast frequencies that are designed to incite agitation, aggression or anxiety in specific demographic areas. Then the Controllers may put out news feeds in the mainstream media to incite fear, blame and promote sensationalism and victimization language, in order to single out certain marginalized groups for the intentional targeting. In the current mainstream news can you spot where this exact psychological warfare tactic is happening now? This is the divide and conquer psychological warfare strategy so that humans will perceive other humans as the enemy, thereby inciting violence, rape, hostility and criminal behaviors. It is possible to modulate signals on any electromagnetic carrier for transmitting a message into the brain to alter chemistry, insert thoughtforms, and instigate behaviors for shaping or grooming that person to carry out some harmful or criminal action.

Electromagnetic fields act as modulators of molecular based information transfer, they can intercept and modify the processes of molecular interaction within a human body, in any kind of organism. As an example, the Molecular Information Transfer of the Nucleic Acids in human DNA can be altered, modified or reversed when exposed to programmable broadcasts of electromagnetic fields, such as with ELF’s. As a result electromagnetic fields can be used to control genetic switches or influence bio-chemical pathways and are capable of eliciting a range of effects inside a living organism, as well as in controlled environments or something taking place outside of living organisms. Exposures to electromagnetism affect organisms in both negative and positive ways that are related to physiological processes, and the reaction is also connected to the genetic configuration and the consciousness level of the organism. The organism that has a lowest range of consciousness perception, is generally the most impacted from the impulses coming from the Unconscious Mind. This is another example of how electromagnetic fields can be used for genetic engineering or modification purposes, by interfering with the Bio-Neurology and the body’s natural biological system of information flow and transfer between DNA, RNA and Proteins.

When we have a better comprehension of how Mind Control is used in every day mainstream media to produce divide and conquer belief systems, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it. The antidote to mind control broadcasts is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like Empathy and Compassion, and genuinely caring about what happens to the people and the planet.

(Source: ES News - Genetic Engineering)

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*1:Negative Alien Agenda NAA - Ascension Glossary