

【機械翻訳】Time Shift Blog "Dark Arts Training" ダーク・アーツ・トレーニング




これらは、1次元の赤い波の低エネルギーの質を利用した捕食者の心の闇の力によるものであり、それは、銀河のタイムライン層にも存在し、何世紀にもわたって同じ階層を食い物にしてきた悪魔の実体やAIハイブリッドなどの関連闇の力によって表現されています。 (「エゴの家」と「NAA」を参照)。





  • 明らかに人間ではない、地球外生命体や超次元的な存在との直接的な体験があること。

  • あなたの周辺視野やライトボディに現れる、エンティティー・アタッチメントやエイリアン・インプラントの存在を意識すること。

  • あなたの周りに、混乱を引き起こし、あなたの目覚めを妨げるために、実体を持つ闇のポータルの操り人形として使われている人がいる。

  • 原因不明の病気にかかり、目に見えない何かがあなたの生命力を消耗しているのを感じる。

  • 突然、自分の考えではない思考に気づき、精神がループし、恐怖や中毒の状態が強まる。(マインドコントロールを参照)

  • 親しい人間関係で裏切られることが続き、信頼が損なわれ、完全に当惑した状態になる。

  • パートナー、仕事、住居、車、友人などを一度に失い、完全に解体された状態になる。







(出典:ESニュースレター - 意識の扉)

  • 翻訳はDeepLというサービスを使用しています。www.deepl.com

  • また、訳文には読みやすいように当ブログ運営者が任意に改行を加えています。

  • 原文中にリンクがついている場合は、訳文の該当する部分にも同様にリンクを付けています(リンク先は英語です)。

  • 原文中の太字は、元サイトの表現を踏襲するもので、訳文にも同等の箇所を太字としています。



Dark Arts Training

Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal of invasion by outer dark forces. We have witnessed a gradual progression of those undergoing forms of spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. These are dark force gestalts of the predatorial mind which use the 1D red wave's low energy quality that is represented by the Satanic entities or related dark forces such as AI hybrids, that also exist in the Galactic timeline layers and have been feeding upon those same hierarchies for eons. (See Houses of Ego and NAA). Additionally, the phenomenon of dark portalling is being exacerbated from alterations being made in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, which results in the further dissolution of the layers that make up the dimensional membranes.

Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks comprising the dimensional membranes that form into timelines have gradually been consolidated into one vast fish tank where all timelines are intersecting and converging into one timeline, where all the contents from these other dimensional realities are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those that remain unprepared to deal with these new forces entering their personal reality. Many people at different stages of awakening are undergoing their next stage of Dark Arts Training, which radically shifts one's consciousness perception. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego’s automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, especially when they go unconscious and allow anger, rage and hostility to be expressed as violent impulses reverberating throughout their mind and body. This negative ego distortion is used to hijack unaware human beings into further states of mental body fragmentation. This can be remedied through the intention to connect with the inner spirit and loving heart through consistent Meditation, Prayer and self-inquiry, in order to remain in the present time as the conscious observer or compassionate witness to outer events.

It is suggested that we each do our best to stay out of lower forms of reactivity, mental looping and negative emotions with the victim-victimizer signature. These direct our consciousness into the lower harmonics and become self-reinforcing, creating a vulnerability that negative forces can take advantage of. The consequences of hijack and possession are heart breaking to witness and difficult to recover from. For this reason, when experiencing periods of energetic pressure or heightened life stress, it is often helpful to return to basics. The Krystal Aegis site was created for this purpose, to focus on building a strong core and foundation to support inner peace and balance during challenging times. (https://krystalaegis.com/)

Dark Arts Training

Dark Arts Training

This term refers to a period in your life where you are pushed, usually through some sort of suffering, to go beyond your current frame of reference in order to fully comprehend what is happening to you. People at this stage may start to register there are energetic forces around them or influencing them and that awareness can be felt or sensed in different ways. Sometimes, this means pulling back the veil that hides negative alien interference in human evolution. Some people may use a religious context and call these dark forces by different names, not aware that the devil or Satan can also be used to describe non-human alien entities. Still, there are many people in the spiritual community that refuse to look deeper at the plausibility of non-human entities influencing human civilization and the current agendas of genetic modification of the human race for the purpose of the NAA's global enslavement agenda. Some common themes in this type of dark arts initiation are:

  • Having a first hand experience with extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional beings, clearly not human in nature.

  • Having an awareness of entity attachments, or Alien Implants appearing in your peripheral vision or lightbody.

  • Having people around you, used as Dark Portal puppets with entity attachments to incite chaos and derail your awakening.

  • Having an unexplained illness that can’t be sourced, sensing something unseen is draining your life force.

  • Having sudden awareness of thoughts that are not your own, with mental looping, increasing fear and addiction states. (see Mind Control)

  • Having a series of betrayals with close relationships that damage trust and leave you feeling totally bewildered.

  • Having a total dismantling; losing partner, job, housing, car, and friends all at once.

Rather than feel victimized by these events, this is a time to take 100% responsibility for your own spirit, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This is the time to build your spiritual house and develop some energetic muscle and Meditation skill. This phase usually requires that we educate ourselves about true earth and Galactic History, and go through a type of cosmic re-orientation process. If you don’t have an accurate assessment of the many forces operating on Earth at this time, it is very difficult to navigate. This is the purpose of my online pet project the Ascension Glossary, to help others make sense of their awakening experiences and find some answers during their Dark Arts Training phase of spiritual ascension.

One of the most common reactions is for people to seek an outside quick fix, to have entities removed or implants extracted by a third party. There may be times when this can be helpful, but ultimately, comprehending these dark forces and doing it your self is the most beneficial. Until you build your spiritual house and command your space, these quick fixes will not last. (see the April 2015 newsletter, Single Soul Occupancy).

Dark Arts Training has a way of showing us where our strengths and weaknesses are. At this time there is only knowing, there is NO room for rationalization stemming from denial or attempting to think your way into a mentally perceived resolution. The rubber meets the road and we are forced to walk our talk, having been prepared to face the mysteries of the unknown standing before us.

To be congruent with our soul purpose embodiment requires being in our core no matter what the external environment is doing or telling us to do. As we become an observer, we will feel an ease of flow and an organic expression. However, to get to the ease of flow one has to completely let go without the ego attachment needing to control the outcome or result. This necessitates holding the observer consciousness, one that can observe the events without imposing judgment or attachment to the end result.

As you come to comprehend that larger playing field and learn how to 12D Shield, how to scan and clear harmful energies as a daily practice, your life changes dramatically. There is really no going back, to seeing the world as you did before. Dark Arts Training is typically a huge turning point in one’s life.

May Love Guide your Heart,


(Source: ES Newsletter - Portals of Consciousness)

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